Main Scripture:
Genesis 4

In this the children of
God and the children of the devil are manifest: Whoever does not practice
righteousness is not of God, nor is he
who does not love his brother. (1 John 3:10)
While the little joke/game
of “Knock, knock, Who’s there?” may be fun to play, especially when creative
responses are thought up, it is quite a different story when the answer to the
question is “SIN” and really unnerving, even frightening if it is ready to
pounce on you!
In Genesis 4 we
read how Cain willfully disobeys God’s directives concerning offerings to Him.
Abel, on the other hand, is shown to obey God implicitly, consequently receiving
God’s total approval and acceptance of his offering. Cain’s response to God’s subsequent
pronouncement on both offerings was an irrational display of anger and
jealousy. With infinite grace and mercy, God proceeds to, not only point out to
Cain where he had gone wrong, but also show him a way out of his predicament.
Did Cain take the
wise counsel God gave him? Did he repent of his attitude and consequently do
well? No, no and no! Sadly, he willfully continued the downward spiral into
more and more sin. The sin that was crouching at his door, had finally pounced
on him, just as God had predicted. Anger (at God) and jealousy (of his brother)
took root in him and produced the fruit of coldblooded murder. Lord, help us … Notice the progressive nature of unconfessed
sin in Cain’s life: Anger à Jealousy à murder à deceit à callousness …… SIN was enthroned and ruling uncontested!
Again I say, “Lord, help us”…
Willful disobedience to any of God’s commands will harden
our hearts to the point of such callousness, that murder, whether in thought,
word or deed, may very well be the first step of many in the downward,
out-of-control spiraling of our lives. KNOCK, KNOCK, Who’s there? Hopefully, the Lord Jesus Christ, because He
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears
My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he
with Me. (Revelations 3:20 NKJV)
RE*J*oicita PROductions
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